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MECHE Graduate student group coaching program

Collaborative Professional & Personal Development

Join a Community to Build Your Path to Success 

Fall 2023 Registration Deadline








Group Coaching

Small coaching cohorts of supportive peers to aid in your personal and professional development.

Accountability Groups

Small cohorts of supportive peers to provide accountability for your personal and professional goals.



Develop strategies for completing coursework and research demands;  Overcome the “no deadline” paradox.

Goal Setting

Develop skills for defining SMART goals and the capability to articulate your desired overall academic journey.

Time & Stress Management

Develop structures and systems that enable you to manage your time and stress to enjoy your academic journey.



Capture the confidence and motivation to thrive during your academic experience.

What Is Coaching?

Coaching (as opposed to mentoring and advising) co-creates a unique partnership between coach and coachee to find creative solutions that foster continuous growth and development. As Mechanical Engineers, one way to think about coaching is collaborative product development, with you as the product and you and your coach as the development team.

Who Is Coaching For?

Anyone looking to develop and engage a growth mindset for their personal and professional success. 

Our Coaching Programs

Group Coaching

Join a small cohort (up to 6 graduate students) that meets weekly for group coaching.  Coaching topics are specific to your stated professional or personal goals.  

More Details
  • Onboarding cohorts (first time participants): you will be coached by the facilitator and learn necessary coaching skills to enable you to coach and support your peers. 
  • Experienced cohorts (at least one semester participation): you will be coached by cohort members with support by the facilitator and continue to develop and refine your coaching skills.
  • Sessions run on a semester-by-semester basis.
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Accountability Groups

Join a small cohort (up to 4 graduate students) that meets weekly for spotlight sessions.  Accountability goals are specific to your stated goals for the duration of the enrollment. 

More Details
  • Each spotlight session, every cohort member has a fixed time to discuss their work towards their goals, reflect on their process, and set new goals for the coming week to a non-judgmental and supportive audience.
  • Sessions run on a semester-by-semester basis, as well as IAP.
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